suffolk county police
department 2016 recruit

While working with Be* Marketing I lead the art direction for print advertisement campaigns. The client who represented the Suffolk County Police Department gave very little artistic direction so the entire creative aspect fell solely on my shoulders.

I used stock photography which I manipulated on Adobe Photoshop for the background imagery. Each subject model was chosen specifically in order to catch the attention of the target audience mentioned by the client. The type was then designed in a manner that could be adjusted for multiple platforms.

Magazine Ad / Back & Front Postcard / Bus Ad.

Hackensack Orthapedic Institute  
summer 2014 promotion

Also while working with Be* Marketing  I lead the art direction for Hackensack UMC Orthopedic Institute, creating a visual representation for the message of reviving internal knee issues.

Through extensive research and visual inspiration, I was able to develop a clear visual concept for the tagline which they had provided with.


The Juise is an interactive steroid awareness campaign I simulated in my Advertising II course. The Juise targets young adults athletes that face the possibility of using steroids due to a competitive nature.

The Juise looks to spread knowledge about the negative side effects the drug has on the body. For example heart failure symbolized by a crushing orange, shrinking testicles resembled by raisins, breast development illustrated with watermelons.

Each advertisement is captioned with the percentage of American who suffer from these side effects.