thoughts on design

Essays Written by Paul Rand

During my studies at Farmingdale State College, I was given a project in Desktop Publishing II, which the class was given free reign to creatively illustrate very inspirational essays written by graphic design mogul Paul Rand.

I took this creative opportunity to showcase my interest in typographic layout. By using white space to create a clear visual hierarchy as to where I wanted the viewers eyes to travel next. Not only that but the white space was used as a strong sense of contrast which balanced out the typographic elements I designed right from Paul Rands own quotations.

party now


My senior project consisted of developing a product or service that solved some type of problem. Once I developed my idea, I had to fully map out the target audience, excecutive summary, unique value proposition, marketing strategy, branding strategy, plus much more. I also had to write essays explaining every single one of these chapters (all copy in the book is written by me).

I really looked to have fun with my final project by illustrating interesting info graphics, fun chapter spreads, and useful pull quotes.

